Thursday, February 4, 2010
Livign History Interview
First of all everyone was stunned cause the Russians beat us on the space race and the country was embarrassed and then the president came on TV and said we were going to put something up in space and asked everyone to help in the space race. Then we overcame the Russians and put the first man in space.
2. How did Americans respond to Brown V. Board of education’s decision?
I didn’t remember the actual decisions all I remember was the backlash. I was in collage at the time it happened and it was a good thing and opportunity for the country to do something good and make everyone equal.
3. What did you think about M.L.K.’s “I have a dream” speech?
It was inspiring speech it didn’t matter your race it was just u had a dream and I figure good things were going to come from the speech.
4. Where were you when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated?
I washed it on TV I had broken my leg so I couldn’t get out much and I had seen the whole thing on TV.
5. Were you affected by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?
I was especially each individual that saw it couldn’t believe it happened cause he was such a good man and was the youngest president at the time and he was also doing so much for the country
6. What are your memories of how the African-American community reacted after the assassination of M.L.K.?
I don’t recall a lot of thing happenings there was riots and like J.F.K. he was a national leader and he was a guy for all the people not just the black people and my reaction towards his dead was just like Kennedys I was just stunned. Also thinking who the heck would do it and which made u get angry at the person.
7. What brought about the beginning of the E.P.A.?
It was a growing movement. It started with a lady Rachel Carson and she wrote a book “Silent spring” and how this pesticide was affecting the bird population which would affect other things in the environment and how people wanted to help the environment.
8. What changes have you seen on how American’s treat the environment since the environmentalist movement?
One of the interesting things that happened we had the first Earth day. I was there for the first earth day and I march on it. It was my first march this classmate came and g tem out of the cafeteria and asked me to come with them. But for the last couple years the E.P.A. have water down because the funds we receive form the government went down.
9. Describe what it was like in the U.S. during the Vietnam War?
That’s a really long storey but ill try to make it real short. What happened they were having drafts so a lot for the soldiers that went over there did there job but they were really into it because no one was threatening the country we were just helping the Vietnamese. You didn’t have a choice if your number was called you had to go to war I was almost sent to war but because of the broken leg I had during the Kennedy assassination I mention earlier got deferred because of my broken leg.
10. What is your opinion on how President George W. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks?
Well I like the decision the president took on 9/11 because to that time we didn’t have no security against any terroristic threats. At the time we didn’t have the safeguard other countries had so it became a wakeup call. The fall out of the 9/11 attacks for me was that I lost my job with the E.P.A. because they had to find a way to fund the war so they cut a lot of budgets for many companies that when I got fired form the E.P.A. cause they paid me a lot and cost them too much. That’s also when I became a teacher and here I am now.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Boom, Bust, Recovery

1. Red scare-This is a political cartoon showing how the U.S. did not want the immigrants in the country during the red scare of the early 1920s It showed that because they thought the immigrants wanted to spread communism
2. Automobiles-This was one of the early Automobiles the model T. It was the first automobile to be mass produce in Henry Ford’s factories.
3. Electrical Appliances- This was the First electrical appliance and it just turned 100 years old. It was a heart shape toaster and it was the showcase it mostly every kitchen.
4. 19th Amendment- This amendment gave women the right to vote. They passed the amendment after women started working in factories because men were in the wars.
5. Prohibition- This is a picture that showed the community dumping alcohol into sewers after it was banned. The banned lasted from 1920 to 1933.
6. 18th Amendment- This picture shows women going against alcohol. The sign states that they do not want their husbands to kiss them that drink alcohol.
7. Babe Ruth- he was a famous baseball player during the boom time. The boom time where his best years of his career.
8. NAACP- This is the stamp of the NAACP which means National association for the advancement of Color People. The NAACP helped the African-American community a lot during the Boom period.
9. Langston Hughes- This is a picture of Langston Hughes he came up during the Harlem renaissance with his famous poems. He is known for writing dreams deferred.
10. Louis Armstrong- This is Louis Armstrong playing his trumpet he was famous jazz player of the Boom time.

1. Stock Market- This picture represents how the stock market crash and the people ended up on the streets trying to figure out what to do. The crash brought about the Great Depression.
2. Speculation- It was a time where the people where being lied too about the stocks in the market. They where taking risky loans expecting to get profits.
3. Black Tuesday- This picture shows a newspaper article on the crash of the stock markets. It also represents the first day of The Great depression.
4. Great Depression- This picture shows sad women with her children at the mid point of the great depression. The great depression made every1 suffer only few had it good thru it.
5. Shantytowns- This picture represents a shantytown in the U.S. they are settlements of the lowest which are made out any material where people take refugee during hard times or in times of poverty.
6. Hoovervilles- This is a picture of the many Hoovervilles during the Great Depression. Hoovervilles was a fancy name for Shanty Towns which are settlements used during times of need.
7. Soup Kitchen- This is a soup kitchen of the great depression. They didn’t literally serve soup in all the soup kitchens. In this one they serve coffee and doughnuts for the unemployed or needy.
8. Bread lines- This picture represents another Bread line which is the same as a soup kitchen. Here they go and receive food also.
9. Dust Bowl- this picture represents a men in a dust bowl during the 1930’s. Dust Bowl came because of the dried soil of fields they reached cities in the east and stopped at the ocean.
10. Bonus Army- This picture shows how WW1 veterans where at the capitol steps demanding pay. Bonus army where made of ex-veterans of ww1 that demanded pay in large groups.

1.Franklin D. Roosevelt- This was the president that helped the U.S. come out of the Great depression. That is what he is mostly known as one of the best presidents of the U.S.
2.Eleanor Roosevelt- She was the first lady and wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt and she supported his new deal. It brought the U.S. out the Great Depression.
3.New Deal- It was the package made by Franklin D. Roosevelt which helped the U.S. recover form the Great Depression. It was based of the 3 R’s relief, reform, and recover.
4.100 days- The first 100 days of Roosevelt’s term where intensive for him. He proved that his new deal was good in the First day after having the Bank Holiday.
5.Motion Pictures- This was one of the Motion pictures of the 1940’s. At the time the motion pictures didn’t have sound only movements and at times someone would p0lay a piano to go along with it.
6.AAA (agricultural adjustment act) - This a picture of the reduction of the agricultural area. The act paid farmers to reduce crop area to raise crops prices.
7.CCC (civilian conservation corps) - This picture is a seal of the CCC. The CCC was a relief program for unemployed men to help them and their families.
8.FDIC (Glass-steagall act) - this is the seal of the FDIC. The FDIC was made by the U.S. government to gain trust by the community so they could use banks once again.
9.NIRA (national Industrial recovery Act) - The act was made by FDR to help the U.S. community form his New Deal plan. The act helped the community by insuring them to have fair wages and treated equal in every work area.
10. Social security act- This picture shows a pamphlet made by the people on how F.D.R. proposed the act. The act helped by limiting the dangers the American society would suffer like old age and unemployment like many more.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Unit 7: Boom, Bust, and Recovery
Write a blog post that supports or argues against the statement below to get you thinking about this unit. Base your response to this statement on your own experience.
People only change after something bad happens.
That is true people only change after they have a bad experience. Most people like to learn the hard way so they have too suffer most times to understand. The other part of people like to learn the easy way but they end up learning by having bad experiences. Well that is my opinion about the subject because that's how i learn most times, but is the wrong way of learning theirs and easier route to learn things in life.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Unit 6: The U.S. As A World Power
Is it ok to get involved on other people's business?
Consider the questions below to get you thinking about this question:
Have you ever jumped into someone else's business? If so, why?
Under what conditions/situations is it ok or even necessary for you to get involved in someone else's business?
When should people mind their own business?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Unit 5: The Gilded Age
Is is all about the money?
Are people actions driven by money?
Does money lead to happiness?
Are the people that have money any better than those that don't?
How do the wealthy get their money? Was it their work or others work that makes them rich?
Is it the responsibility of those that have money to share with others?
Not everything is about the money but most things in life are gained money.Most of peoples actions are driven by money because they get greedy and want more. money most times leads to problems and sometimes and can lead to happiness. most people with money live a better life than people who don't have any at all but with it also comes problems. Its can be either but mostly get their money from their ancestors and some work hard to overcome challenges and reach the top. Not really those who have money don't share it, they become greedy and are always wanting more
Assignment 5: The Gilded Age- Acrostic Definition Post
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Unit 4: The Civil War and Reconstruction
Think about a time when you were involved in a fight, either verbal or physical. Write a detailed summary paragraph of this experience that includes the following:
What led up to the fight
Whether or not your tried to avoid the fight and how
The events of the fight
The outcome of the fight
Did the fight improve or hurt your relationship with that person?
Any lesson(s) you learned from the fight
I had gotten into a fight with my mom a verbal fight just arguing. it all started because I was being rude to my little sister. I really didn't try to avoid the fight because at the moment I was angry and really did not care about anything. Well in the end I just let my mom win because I thought this is my mother why am I arguing with her. the relationship with my mother didn't change because she understood and forgave me for my actions. I learned not to take out my anger on other people that had nothing to do with what was happening to em at the moment.
Assignment 8: Civil War Perspectives- Blog Post.

Death Among Us.

Amputation Redemption
Today was a horrible day
the worst site has came to be
and the yanks suffer
for their own and hurt them.
It sounds horrible
the yank screams
to their lungs
while they endure the pain
He thought he was smart like a fox
but when it came down to it
his leg had to be cut off and the
blood osses out like it would go on forever
The smell is horrible and this
soldiers are a Jonahs
the had it the worst
and they stink to a point that would kill.
what i seen today is unbelievable
because i never seen nothing like it
and i would never want to see it again
until i am destroyed and don't have to see the yanks pain.
Unit 3: The Growing Nation
How can growing up be both exciting and painful?
Well growing can be both painful and exciting depending on were u grow up and the situation u grow up in. it can be exciting if your a rich kid and u always get what u want. meaning u never worried about a thing especially money. If u grow up in a lower class family u struggle more through life. u have to worry about having a meal and a place to stay. if u grow u in middle class is a little easier there is less to worry about but u will always have problem to deal with like any other kid growing up. it also depend on the country u live in like in the U.S. is alot easies not as painful as being in a poor country. its exciting cause u get to experience alot. You will get your first girlfriend also learn all about life and what u need to become a good or bad person in the community.
Assignment 4: The Growing Nation- Top 10 Lists
Using this list of 55 topics from this period in U.S. History, it is your job to create two Top 10 Lists. You will have to do some research into these items to help form quality lists. One list will include the Top 10 Most Exciting Topics from this period of U.S. History. The second list will include the Top 10 Most Painful Topics from this period of U.S. History.
Each list should include the following:
10 Topics- numbered in order of extremes- 1 being the greatest
Include the year(s) for each topic
Include at least one sentence for each topic describing why that topic holds a place in that Top 10 list- How was it exciting? How was it painful?
Top 10 Most Exiting Topics
1. Louisiana purchase (1803)
The Louisiana Purchase was an exciting moment because when it was bought it doubles the size of the United States.
2. Mexico session (1848)
The session was exciting for the United States because the United States gain a few states like California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona from the Mexicans.
3. Lewis and Clark Expedition (1812)
This was and exciting moment because Lewis and Clark explore the land that was gained from the Louisiana Purchase which lead to Americans moving West.
4. Congress prohibits Importing of slaves (1808)
This was exciting because no new African slaves could be brought to the U.S. as slaves, and it was the first actions taken to end slavery.
5. Federal Government offers land at $1.25 an acre (1820)
This was exciting because people could buy land at a good price to make their own and eventually make profits from it.
6. Monroe Doctrine (1823)
This was exciting because the Europeans would not be able establish any new colonies in the Western Hemisphere. This lead to the U.S. becoming a major world power.
7. Missouri Compromise (1821)
This was exciting because it prohibited slaves in certain parts of the U.S., and it helped keep the U.S. out of a Civil War for decades.
8. California Gold Rush (1849)
It was exciting because gold was discovered in the west which made some greedy people move to the west to farm it. It spurred westward migration.
9. Eli Whitney invent cotton gin (1793)
It was exciting because it made farming cotton so much easier and less expensive.
10. Library of congress Founded. (1800)
It stored the knowledge and books that the U.S. used for anything which was the biggest library at the time which made it exiting.
Top 10 Most Painful Topics
1. War of 1812 (1812)
A war fought between Great Britain and the U.S. at the time. It was painful because a lot of British and U.S. soldiers died in it.
2. Cherokee “Trail of tears” (1838)
It was a painful experience for the natives because they were being relocated and a lot of them died along the way.
3. Mexican war (1845-1847)
A big war fought between the U.S. and Mexico that was painful to the Mexicans because a lot of them died and the U.S. won their land.
4. Fugitive Slave act (1793)
It was painful to the runaway slaves because they were going to get sent back to slavery.
5. Second Seminole war (Florida) (1834)
It was painful to the Natives because a lot of them died at the time fighting the U.S., and it cost a lot of money to the U.S.
6. First Seminole war (1817-1818)
It was the war before the second Seminole war and also a lot of Indians suffered during this war.
7. Indian territory Founded (1834)
It was painful to the Indians because their land was taken from then again and they had to relocate once more to the Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River.
8. Alien and sedition act (1798)
This was an act passed that said that anyone claimed to be a terrorist would have their natural rights taken away and be punish in any kind of way.
9. Andrew Jackson introduces spoil system (1829)
This was painful to the people that didn’t support Andrew Jackson because it made it harder to get government jobs because his supporters would have been given the jobs.
10. Indian removal act (1830)
Was an act that forced the Indians off their land in which they did not have a choice and had to leave their land and cultu