Monday, August 24, 2009

Unit 1- The 13 Colonies

Assignment 1: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

1. What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.

The poor economy in most immigrant's country motivates them to move to the U.S. today. Also, the fact that their kids can have a better life here, and they can provide better support to their families here than in their countries.

2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?
I would move for economic reasons. So me and my family could have a better life in the country I would migrate to. Also, to give my children better clothing and resources that might not be available in my country.

Assignment 7: Primary Source Document Reflection
Benjamin Wadsworth, A Well-Ordered Family(Boston, 1712). About the duties of husbands and wives
What did you learn about life in the colonies from reading this document?
From this i learned that back then the husband and wife had to treat each other as equals even though the man was the head of the household he was to treat his wife as his own flesh and blood.
What surprised you the most about what you read?
How it was mandatory to respect your wife then which most people don't do now just a few do also that you were supposed to love and respect your husband or wife no matter what they brought to the marriage.
Compare and contrast the differences between American life today and life for Americans during the colonial era.
during the colonial era there was sort of different rules to obey in marriage as it is now but most of them are still the same so not much changed.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Unit 2: The American Revolution

Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post: When is Breaking the Law Justified?

1. List five purposes of the government.

One is to defend us and the country.

The country is unique to its self and there is not another like it.

The government represent the interest of our nation.

They are also to provide the community with good infrastructure.

They also have to do social welfare to every community.

2. Would you be willing to join a revolution if our government was not fulfilling the purposes of government you listed above? Why? Why not?

Yes i would join a revolution. lets say if the government was not defending our country or our people i would because that is mandatory or either we would be vulnerable to enemy attacks and them taking over the country and letting our citizens die.

also if the country did not have a good infrastructure like they didn't want to build roads or have bridges, drinking watter, or even electricity which is needed by the country.

Assignment 6: Primary Source Document Reflection Post.

1.What did you learn about life during the revolutionary era from reading this document?
I read the Boston tea party. At the that time the British wanted to take advantage of the colonist so they taxed them. the colonist did not like the taxes because they could barely afford to buy products and it was going to cost more with the taxes.

2.What surprised you the most about what you read?it surprised me because of how the colonist reacted to the taxes and the way they rebelled against them. also that king gorge closed all the ports until he was paid for the tea.

Assignment 7: When Breaking the Law is Justified Post

Did the colonists have their natural rights?

No at that time the colonies did not have their right because the government was taking all that belonged to them. They were leaving the colonies with nothing they did not care if u were sick old or young they would have taken what they thought belong to them.

What actions did the colonists take to make their own government that would uphold their rights?

The colonist rebelled against the government to gain their rights.the leader was Daniel Shay he lead them the Shysites.

Were the colonists justified in breaking the law?

yes they were justified because what the government was doing was unjustified they did it at no remorse of what the colonist went through. All the government wanted was to get paid.

When since the American Revolution have Americans broken the law because they felt their rights were not being upheld by the U.S. government?

Now the immigrants that come to this country break the laws everyday because they work illegally. they do it to support their families.

What actions did Americans have to take to make sure that the U.S. government was upholding their natural rights?

Well at the moment it is still going on. the immigrants are trying to get a reform going so the government would let them work legally.

Was this group of Americans justified in breaking the law?

It is justified because they work hard and because no harm to anyone else. Also that they don't break any laws while working except the one of working illegally