Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Unit 5: The Gilded Age

Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post: Is it all about the money?

Is is all about the money?
Are people actions driven by money?
Does money lead to happiness?
Are the people that have money any better than those that don't?
How do the wealthy get their money? Was it their work or others work that makes them rich?
Is it the responsibility of those that have money to share with others?

Not everything is about the money but most things in life are gained money.Most of peoples actions are driven by money because they get greedy and want more. money most times leads to problems and sometimes and can lead to happiness. most people with money live a better life than people who don't have any at all but with it also comes problems. Its can be either but mostly get their money from their ancestors and some work hard to overcome challenges and reach the top. Not really those who have money don't share it, they become greedy and are always wanting more

Assignment 5: The Gilded Age- Acrostic Definition Post










Thursday, September 10, 2009

Unit 4: The Civil War and Reconstruction

Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post: Fights

Think about a time when you were involved in a fight, either verbal or physical. Write a detailed summary paragraph of this experience that includes the following:

What led up to the fight
Whether or not your tried to avoid the fight and how
The events of the fight
The outcome of the fight
Did the fight improve or hurt your relationship with that person?
Any lesson(s) you learned from the fight

I had gotten into a fight with my mom a verbal fight just arguing. it all started because I was being rude to my little sister. I really didn't try to avoid the fight because at the moment I was angry and really did not care about anything. Well in the end I just let my mom win because I thought this is my mother why am I arguing with her. the relationship with my mother didn't change because she understood and forgave me for my actions. I learned not to take out my anger on other people that had nothing to do with what was happening to em at the moment.

Assignment 8: Civil War Perspectives- Blog Post.

Death Among Us.

This is my home
and for this Yanks and Rebels
to come disturb my peace
is and outrage.
It is justified for them
to died here at my home
since they disturbed me
but the smells is something unbearable.

These soldiers were shirkers
thus they die here
the gun shots awake me
and their moaning is a pain to stand.

They just get shot
and fall to their death
they suffer the pain that I once suffered
and one side always losses and falls.

The battle was horrible
but at least its over
they fought for a foolish reason
and now they pay.

Amputation Redemption

Today was a horrible day

the worst site has came to be

and the yanks suffer

for their own and hurt them.

It sounds horrible

the yank screams

to their lungs

while they endure the pain

He thought he was smart like a fox

but when it came down to it

his leg had to be cut off and the

blood osses out like it would go on forever

The smell is horrible and this

soldiers are a Jonahs

the had it the worst

and they stink to a point that would kill.

what i seen today is unbelievable

because i never seen nothing like it

and i would never want to see it again

until i am destroyed and don't have to see the yanks pain.

Unit 3: The Growing Nation

Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post: Growing Up

How can growing up be both exciting and painful?

Well growing can be both painful and exciting depending on were u grow up and the situation u grow up in. it can be exciting if your a rich kid and u always get what u want. meaning u never worried about a thing especially money. If u grow up in a lower class family u struggle more through life. u have to worry about having a meal and a place to stay. if u grow u in middle class is a little easier there is less to worry about but u will always have problem to deal with like any other kid growing up. it also depend on the country u live in like in the U.S. is alot easies not as painful as being in a poor country. its exciting cause u get to experience alot. You will get your first girlfriend also learn all about life and what u need to become a good or bad person in the community.

Assignment 4: The Growing Nation- Top 10 Lists
Using this list of 55 topics from this period in U.S. History, it is your job to create two Top 10 Lists. You will have to do some research into these items to help form quality lists. One list will include the Top 10 Most Exciting Topics from this period of U.S. History. The second list will include the Top 10 Most Painful Topics from this period of U.S. History.

Each list should include the following:

10 Topics- numbered in order of extremes- 1 being the greatest

Include the year(s) for each topic

Include at least one sentence for each topic describing why that topic holds a place in that Top 10 list- How was it exciting? How was it painful?

Top 10 Most Exiting Topics

1. Louisiana purchase (1803)

The Louisiana Purchase was an exciting moment because when it was bought it doubles the size of the United States.

2. Mexico session (1848)

The session was exciting for the United States because the United States gain a few states like California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona from the Mexicans.

3. Lewis and Clark Expedition (1812)

This was and exciting moment because Lewis and Clark explore the land that was gained from the Louisiana Purchase which lead to Americans moving West.

4. Congress prohibits Importing of slaves (1808)

This was exciting because no new African slaves could be brought to the U.S. as slaves, and it was the first actions taken to end slavery.

5. Federal Government offers land at $1.25 an acre (1820)

This was exciting because people could buy land at a good price to make their own and eventually make profits from it.

6. Monroe Doctrine (1823)

This was exciting because the Europeans would not be able establish any new colonies in the Western Hemisphere. This lead to the U.S. becoming a major world power.

7. Missouri Compromise (1821)

This was exciting because it prohibited slaves in certain parts of the U.S., and it helped keep the U.S. out of a Civil War for decades.

8. California Gold Rush (1849)

It was exciting because gold was discovered in the west which made some greedy people move to the west to farm it. It spurred westward migration.

9. Eli Whitney invent cotton gin (1793)

It was exciting because it made farming cotton so much easier and less expensive.

10. Library of congress Founded. (1800)

It stored the knowledge and books that the U.S. used for anything which was the biggest library at the time which made it exiting.

Top 10 Most Painful Topics

1. War of 1812 (1812)

A war fought between Great Britain and the U.S. at the time. It was painful because a lot of British and U.S. soldiers died in it.

2. Cherokee “Trail of tears” (1838)

It was a painful experience for the natives because they were being relocated and a lot of them died along the way.

3. Mexican war (1845-1847)

A big war fought between the U.S. and Mexico that was painful to the Mexicans because a lot of them died and the U.S. won their land.

4. Fugitive Slave act (1793)

It was painful to the runaway slaves because they were going to get sent back to slavery.

5. Second Seminole war (Florida) (1834)

It was painful to the Natives because a lot of them died at the time fighting the U.S., and it cost a lot of money to the U.S.

6. First Seminole war (1817-1818)

It was the war before the second Seminole war and also a lot of Indians suffered during this war.

7. Indian territory Founded (1834)

It was painful to the Indians because their land was taken from then again and they had to relocate once more to the Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River.

8. Alien and sedition act (1798)

This was an act passed that said that anyone claimed to be a terrorist would have their natural rights taken away and be punish in any kind of way.

9. Andrew Jackson introduces spoil system (1829)

This was painful to the people that didn’t support Andrew Jackson because it made it harder to get government jobs because his supporters would have been given the jobs.

10. Indian removal act (1830)

Was an act that forced the Indians off their land in which they did not have a choice and had to leave their land and cultu