Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Unit 6: The U.S. As A World Power

Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post: When to Get Involved?

Is it ok to get involved on other people's business?
Consider the questions below to get you thinking about this question:
Have you ever jumped into someone else's business? If so, why?
Under what conditions/situations is it ok or even necessary for you to get involved in someone else's business?
When should people mind their own business?

It is not okay to get involved in someone else business because is there business. You shouldn't worry about someone else actions unless they are planning to hurt them selves or wanting to hurt some else. Yes i have jumped in someone else's business it was wrong for me to do it because for trying to help it ended up worst, i did it to help the person not to make their problems worst but they took it the wrong way. people should mind their business at all time because you don't know who you are dealing with and the person might react in a negative way.
Assignment 6: Should the United States Get Involved in Other Countries Affairs?
I think the U.S. should not get involved in other country affairs because it leads to trouble and losses to the country. Another reason i think the U.S. should not get involved is because the country should let the country handle their own affairs or they will never learn how to. The last reason that i think we should not interfere is because most of the times the countries get into more problems and we have to keep helping them out and handle their business like how we are in the middle east right now.


  1. Good points-especially about not knowing how people will react.

    Some small errors that you can correct for maximum points. As is 17/20 points.

  2. Good arguments. I like your point about other countries becoming dependent on foreign aid instead of figuring it out for themselves. Please provide one more specific example to strengthen your argument.

    Some small errors, but overall well written.
    As is 16/20 points.
